Thursday, October 1, 2009




Mike Miller

I was introduced to the concept of Alkaline water some years ago by a friend. I was given some of this water, got to try it out, and liked it. The idea of alkalizing the body to fight disease was not foreign to me, since I’ve been paying attention to ‘alternative’ medicines and Eastern medicines for years. An acidic body is a fertile feeding ground for disease and cancer… so it didn’t take much to sell me on the concept.

Let’s just take that for starters, that anything that can lower your acidity is a good thing. And since Enagic has been tested and proven to do just that… means that the machine itself… is also a good thing.

But let’s not make the assumption that this means you should jump into an Enagic MLM business. Why not? Let’s look at the marketplace of ‘Alkalizing filters’.

On the forthcoming comparison, I only compared the on-the-counter models, not the under-the-counter installed models.

First, we have Enagic, whose premium product costs a whopping $5,980.00 USD. They have lower priced models ranging from $3,980.00 down to $1,280.00. Of course, the lower the price, the fewer bells and whistles, and $1,280.00 doesn’t sound too bad, if all you want is an ‘on-off’ switch, right?

Well, let’s check out the non-MLM competition.

From the first company I checked out, ‘LIFE Ionizers’, their top of the line unit costs $2,747.00 USD. Their bottom of the line? $1,195.00

The second company I looked at was ‘Jupiter’. I’ve sent testing on Youtube and charts online that put Jupiter up at the front of the pack in terms of quality, as in maximum Alkalinity, when compared with other systems. Their top of the line on-the-counter model price: $1,795.00 USD. Their bargain unit: $595.00

Various other brands of ionizer/alkaliners can be found on eBay for roughly $750.00.

Oh, and I might add, just for those who want alkaline water, but can’t even afford the $595.00 version… you can get water additives that do the same thing (with additional minerals, too) for about $30 a bottle or less.

My conclusion of this process is that the only thing Enagic has over any of the competition in any regard is that it’s a home-based business.

But, and this is just my personal perspective, you can take it or leave it, if you’re in a business whose business is to sell people a product for more than twice the price, and the CHEAPEST competitor produces a BETTER product… Then how could you look yourself in the mirror and think that you’re doing something good for that person?

Certainly, it’s not about the customer, but about the down-line, many… MANY MLM’s will teach you that ‘it’s not about the product, it’s about the business’. And many MLM’ers are fine with that.

I’m not. My standards are such that if the product is not better than the competition, or cheaper than the competition… or offers something that the competition cannot… then I would not be able to look myself in the mirror if I tried shilling it on other people. Especially people I knew could not afford it.

Granted, I just pissed off a lot of people reading this review, because MANY MLM’s fall under this category. That isn’t to say their products aren’t GREAT. But if your product is there as an EXCUSE to build a ‘business’, then that product doesn’t have the right to be in business. In my ever so humble opinion… Enagic definitely falls into that category.

Product: 4 stars

Business: 0 stars

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